
What areas of Addiction do you have experience of ?
We have experience with everything from Alcohol Abuse, Prescriptions Drug Abuse, Narcotics & Substance Abuse, Sexual Behaviour, Pornography, Eating Disorders, Texting, The Internet and Social Media to name but a few. 

How do Addictions impact on your life. 
Addictions can have an extremely negative impact on the quality of our relationships & our ability to relate in a healthy manner. This results in isolation, fear & shame. If you are experiencing prolonged or recurring periods of compulsive, repetitive and dependent behaviour, there is help and support available.

Addictions hurt everyone involved. 
Addictions hurt everyone involved and are devastating to the lives they affect. The addicted person may be in total denial, feeling that he or she doesn't have a problem. Or that person may feel completely helpless, and with each repeated act, his or her self-worth falls lower and lower. An addict loses touch with reality and their relationships in life crumble.

Make sure Addiction and its consequences doesn’t destroy your or your families lives. 
Addiction and it’s consequences destroys lives .  If you or a loved one needs assistance overcoming addictive behaviour, we provide non-judgemental and practical guidance to a better life. Addiction can vary in almost every respect, so we always tailor our treatment programme to an individual's (or a group's) needs. Our programmes are designed to prevent relapses and to show each client that perseverance can change their lives permanently for the better
Addiction Counselling & Psychotherapy helps develop a range of techniques for changing your thinking and your behaviour while enabling you to understand the origins and development of the addiction as a means of coping. By simply talking through a client's circumstances, we can help them find the cause of the destructive behaviour and will work tirelessly to find a way to stop it for good.

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